Following, we have put together the most important questions and answers on the subject of public toilets in Cologne. If you have any further ideas on important questions, we look forward to hearing from you via our feedback form.
Where is the nearest public toilet in Cologne?
The nearest public toilet in the City of Cologne can easily be found using the Quick search for toilets, or in the menu item "Find a toilet". There you can also see a list of all public toilets in Cologne and filter them according to various criteria.
What public toilets are there in Cologne and when are they open?
In Cologne there are different types of public toilets available.
There are toilets in public buildings of the City of Cologne, such as museums and citizens registration offices. Most of them are fully accessible. It is possible to use these toilets during the various opening times of the facility. These can be found in the detailed view of the public toilets in the Toilet search. Please enter the filter criterion "Toilet in public facilities".
Also facilites maintained by staff, such as the toilets at Cologne Cathedral, are available during opening hours.
The fully accessible city toilet facilities contain among other things a fully accessible indoor cabin. Access to these toilets is also possible by using braille. Furthermore the toilets are equipped with a baby changing table and a free of charge urinal, which is accessible separately. The usage fee of € 0.50 can be paid by using the coin slot or if at hand, an eurokey. After every use of the toilet facility, there is a fully automated cleaning of the toilet seat.
HappyToilet Cologne is Cologne’s partner program for public toilets. Some hotels and restaurants in Cologne make their toilets available for public use.
Several mobile toilets in green spaces are available troughout the year – however some are only available temporarily from April to October.
The toilets in Cologne's cemeteries are currently only open when a funeral is taking place.
What does it cost to use the public toilets in Cologne?
Use of the toilets in public buildings, parks and green spaces are free of charge.
City toilets maintained by staff and City Toilet Cabins in Cologne costs €0.50. Use is free of charge for people in possession of a eurokey.
As part of HappyToilet Cologne, local business owners are allowed to charge a fee for using their toilets. However, this may not be more than €1.00 per use.
Can the public toilets in Cologne also be used by people with a physical disability?
The City toilets in Cologne are largely accessible to all. The public toilets at the Dom (Cathedral)/Roncalliplatz, at Ebertplatz and the Stapelhaus/Frankenwerft can also be used by people with mobility aids. This also applies as a rule to the toilets in public facilities. The temporary toilets in the green spaces in the city are equipped with a cabin that is of a sufficient size for use with a wheelchair or other aids. If you are not sure whether a public toilet is accessible to all, you can simply find this out using our toilet search function in the menu item "Find toilets". Please enter the filter criterion "Accessible to all (partly limited)" when searching.
Where can I find a baby changing table?
A number of public toilets in Cologne are equipped with a baby changing table. For example, toilets in public buildings usually have a changing table for babies. Which of the public toilets nearby have a baby changing table can easily be found in our toilet search function in the menu item "Find toilets". Please enter the filter criterion "baby changing table" when you search for a toilet.
What is a eurokey?
A eurokey allows people with disabilities to use public toilets free of charge throughout Europe. By means of a standardised Europe-wide lock system it is possible, for example, to use disabled toilets in public buildings, railway stations, leisure facilities or at motorway service stations.
Please inform yourself about how to get an eurokey in advance to your visit to Cologne. How and where to order an eurokey depends on the authorized issuing agency in your country.
Who is responsible for the public toilets in Cologne
The AWB Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Köln GmbH is in charge of the management and maintenance of the five public toilet facilities, the fully accessible city toilet facilities and mobile toilets which are situated within the green spaces of Cologne, since the 1st of January 2015.
The city of Cologne still operates all public accessible toilets, such as in citizen centres, public buildings, museums or cemeteries, and all public toilets within the new HappyToilet Köln concept.
Where can I report a dirty or damaged public toilet?
Dirty and damaged public toilets are annoying and usually very unpleasant for the user. In order that we can quickly deal with dirty or damaged toilets, we have drawn up the "Report problems" form for you. This can be found under the menu item "Feedback & contact".
Where can I submit praise, criticism or suggestions of how to improve the toilets?
Would you like to tell us something about the public toilets? Or do you have any praise, criticism or suggestions for improvements for us?
Please use the feedback form provided for this under the menu item Feedback & contact. We will deal with your request as quickly as possible.
Where can I register my gastronomy business for the "HappyToilet Köln" programme?
If you would like to register as a gastronomy operator for the HappyToilet Cologne programme, please contact Toilettenkonzept@STADT-KOELN.DE.
Where can I submit my suggestion if I have an idea for a new location?
We welcome your suggestions for a new location for the public toilets in Cologne. For this, please use our feedback form under the menu item "Feedback & contact“.
Can I call up the locations on my smartphone - is there an app for this?
Of course our website is also fully accessable for mobile phones. You can easily browse with your smartphone and find a public toilet witch is close by. To browse the website you may need an internet Connection. You can find the mobile site here (link is only available for smartphone use).